Monday, December 17, 2012

Ginger, ginger, where's your bread *

So, because of the lack of time I had to make gingerbreads alone, unlike other years when I was doing it with my family. And they turned out really good, maybe because I love being the boss of my own kitchen and controlling what I do and not having someone behind my back saying 'do this' or 'do that'. Ah, I love cooking!

xo evija * <3 br="">

Sunday, July 8, 2012


This is the time of the year [by that I mean summer] when people are trying to enjoy the warm weather and rest from the heavy winter clothing. Well I'm just gonna put the clothing aside for now [and I'm saying for now, cause we're gonna return to that subject in another post]. Right now the thing that is full of excitements is summery drinks that keep you cool throughout the summery warm and HOT days. Here are few versions I've been trying recently.
All kinds of smoothies. And most of them include strawberries and bananas. You can find a bunch of recipes online and mix them up. I usually blend a handful of strawberries, one banana and a cup of orange juice, blend it all together and your drink is ready. You can use frozen strawberries as well, then you won't need any ice, or banana juice in place of orange juice, then you won't need to add banana, just the juice. I'ts all up to you, to mix n match it all.

 Cold coffee, iced coffee, on a hot summer day, you probably won't want to drink a hot coffee, cause hot summed up with hot equals really hot [and I mean really hot]. So just change up your coffee routine and try something cooler. You might enjoy it.

 Another thing I prefer are watery drinks. You simply pour some water in a glass, add fruits, berries or any other ingredients you like [I like making a bigger amount of the drink and then drinking it throughout the day] and your drink is ready simple as that. Plus you know water is important for you and your body, so this is just another nice version how to spice up your water routine.

Thanks for reading.

xo e*

Saturday, June 16, 2012

a change

I have been thinking about getting the walls of my room repainted, and, a few minutes ago, I got it - BEIGE! This natural light brown colour should be calming and relaxing, so, why not try? Actually, few days ago I talked to a friend of mine about this and we got to a point, when we had it all figured out for me - I needed an apartment, which had only few colours in it, and all of them simple but chic, and those colours would be.. (drumroll) .. white and beige with a pinch of black. Since now I have my room walls painted in an orange tone and one of the walls has a wallpaper with flowers on it I decided if I overpainted the orange with a beige, that would do for now, as I'm not planning on moving out of here, well not yet.

What a big mess I've made, I could just go on and on, so I'm not going to get into more details. Cross fingers, I'm going to get some things done this summer.

<3 e

PS I'm back b's!!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

to the bottom of my glass

Hello again! I've been loving this healthy drink recipe lately, and the truth is it's great for your skin and body. It contains water, lemon and ginger. What you have to do is simply mix these three ingredients together, I like to put a little bit of fresh lemon juice in the glass, then add sliced ginger (and you don't have to put a lot of it, cause ginger is really spicy and you might not like it when it's super strong) and pour a little bit of boiled water over it, so that the ginger absorbs into the water and lemon juice, after about 5 minutes add room temperature water and your drink is ready! Hope this helped in any way.

xo e*

Saturday, February 4, 2012

suit up Thursday

I started university this year and it's my second semester now. And we've started this tradition - suit up Thursdays. It's basically the one day of the week when most of the students have suited up (for example, wear a blazer, just listen to Barney Stinson from How I Met Your Mother and suit up!). And this Thursday, as it was a bit too cold for me (about -20°C), I decided to suit up few of my nails, and here is the result (sorry, the camera didn't want to focus).

xo e *

Friday, February 3, 2012

am I too panda for you?

I bought this ring form Accessorize yesterday, and I love it so much even though it's not that wearable, it's still cute and I couldn't stop jumping up and down when I bought it, haha. And it goes with my red nails (the nail polish is Real Red by Avon)

xo e *

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

scrub it all off

I've been trying to find a lip scub or just a recipe to make my own lip scrub, searching through recipes there are always mentioned these two ingredients - lip balm and sugar. So, i just took my lip balm and some sugar and tried scrubbing (laughs) At first I put my lip balm on, then dip my finger in the sugar and then just started scrubbing dead skin off of my lips. And that's about it, I'm not a speciallist or anything, and it probably would be better if the sugar had soaked up the balm, but then again you could try sugary feeling honey.

xo evija

in this skin

Every girl should own a leather jacket, that's kind of a fact, but lately (that is for a longer period of time now) the trend of leather shorts (skirts and pants too) has taken a part in a lot of women closets, even in mine (like that's a surprise). So just a thought popped in my head, if denim on denim is such a big WOW, what about leather on leather? Would you try it? Do you think it works? Is it a do or a don't? I haven't made up my mind yet, but that's what I've been wondering for about 15 minutes now. When I picture it in my mind, that doesn't look pretty at all, but maybe, when you have the right peaces of clothing to pair together, who knows.

xo evija *