Monday, July 13, 2009


On July 11th was my brothers christening. I had slept all night with rolls in my hair and I did them at ~ 1 AM, and I wasn't tired AT ALL. So, that was good. We were a little too early at the church, that's why I had a little time to make more photos and I did :)

After the christening we went up the tower of another church, which's inside you can see above. It had this really high ceiling and I absolutely loved it, it was so beautiful.
Photographing my reflection. Actually that's a window of a shop.
You can see those little dots, those are human walking down the street. That's the view from church St. Peter. It wasn't higher than 90 meters, but the view was so amazing.
That is ceiling of St. Johans church, where my brother was christened. My sister and I were christened in the same church and my parents married there, and my dad was christened there too.
Elf factory
Enjoy not hurring
The Bremen musicians
The donkey, so cute
Double Coffee, mm
Bag - Avon accessories, shoes - Danija, dress - Lindex, silver necklace/chain - Jahonts

Monday, July 6, 2009

The walk and my hair

So, about a week ago me, my mom, sister(10) and little brother(1yr & 8m) went for a walk. At first we went to a small shop where they sell bows, pearls and stuff. My mom bought some bows, pearls and plastic flowers for the upcoming wedding, after all she is the maid of honour :)After that I and my sister realized that we're getting a little hungry and we wanted to buy some ice cream on our way home, so we went to the shop that wasn't far away and bought ice cream. We also bought jellies. And on our way out we found these really great jars for candies and bowls for desserts.At the end of the day I did my new hair cut. My mom cut down about 15-20 cm of my hair, but that was no big deal, because I just want to keep my hair healthy and beautiful and they will grow after all.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

thoughts, thoughts, thoughts...

It's really hot outside right now. For the last three days I've been like sunbathing all the time and since "Jāņi" celebration I've thought so much about blogging, and there are so many great bloggers out there and you don't know when you're gonna find like your THE favorite. So good luck with finding your favorite :)